Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Even My Reading is About Coupons!

So I picked up a book last night called "The Coupon Mom's Guide to Cutting Your Grocery Bills in Half: The Strategic Shopping Method Proven to Slash Food and Drugstore Costs" (say that 5 times fast, lol). I thought why not see what another couponista has up her sleeves. It's almost 300 pages long, those are some big sleeves!

So what did I do? Can you guess?? Yup, I got it on sale... 70% off :)

BTW, just cut in half? Is you coupon bill half of what it was before couponing? I know I easily spent 3 or 4 times less now as I did before. Let's set the bar a little higher! We're saving for school tuition, that next car, retirement, a simple mortgage payment, fill in the blank, right?!? We can do it! We're Janie Girls!

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