Saturday, February 14, 2015

DIY: Three Steps to the Perfect (At Home) Pedicure

I'll admit, pedicures aren't my thing. Even though they are considered a pampering session and adored by both women and men, it still feels like just a "necessity" for me. That being said, I like to hurry it up, get it done and move on to other things, like, well, blogging, lol!

Here are some boiled down, easy and sure fire ways to have a soft beautiful pedicure, without the visit to the spa.

Stay Healthy

Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water throughout the day has several benefits, yada, yada. we've heard it all before. But your skin cannot look luscious and luxurious without the basic moisture it needs. If you want that natural glow, try increasing your fluid intake, use fruit infused water bottles or trade a soda for a flavor enhanced water. Just a little change can go a long way!

Vitamins: In our prepackaged, "everything is convenient" world, it's easy to find we aren't getting the nutrition we need. Vitamin deficiencies can cause a wide range of symptoms from poor skin and nails to paralysis and brain fog. No joke. If you don't take a multivitamin, start. (Hey, y'all. I'm not a doctor, but I'm speaking from my personal experience. Talk with your primary care physician before starting a new routine).

Get the Right Tools

Clippers: Have you ever noticed nail clippers come in two sizes? Many people assume these are sizes for men and women, but they're actually for your hands or feet. Make sure you grab toe clippers for your pedicure. You'll have an easier time grasping them and getting an even cut.

Nail Brush: I like to use a nail brush with an Epsom salt bath or while I exfoliate my tired feet. I use this for my whole foot, not just the nails. It does a great quick job of brushing away old skin and leaves my skin feeling smooth and refreshed.

Pumice: Pumice stones or blocks are invaluable for pedicures.  They get a great even coverage when removing the roughest of skin patches. Did you know there is a special size and grit pumice for your feet? Check out Mr. Pumice's Purple Pumi Bar. These sell for around $2 at Sally's Beauty Supply; I fully recommend it!

Foot File and Callus Remover: These often come together and clean with a simple rinse. You can use this just like a pumice to smooth and soften your skin.

Pamper Your Skin

Epsom salt: An Epsom salt bath invigorates the body, helping it to heal. Try soaking your feet in a basin of water with a cup of Epsom salt for 30 - 45 minutes before using any tools. This will soften the nails and skin and make it easier to work with. Plus it's inexpensive; just $.88 at Walmart.

Sugar scrub: I love making my own sugar scrub at home. Having a great exfoliant on hand is crucial, but so easy. Simply grab 1/4 cup sugar and mix it with a dab of your most moisture rich body wash. You can also use Olay Hand Renewal; the special oils do wonders for the skin. Keep adding soap until it's a "wet sand" consistency. That's it! If you have left overs you'd like to store, place the mix in the refrigerator for 1 - 2 hours. This lets it set up and prevents separation later.

Argon Oil: Once your feet are dry from the bath, clipping, scrubbing and rinsing, lol - now it's time to nourish your skin. Several months back I received a bottle of 100% organic Argon Oil and I'm addicted! It doesn't leave you feeling oily, but moisturizes better than many lotions on the market. Plus it absorbs quickly, so you don't slip when you are finished with your pedicure. Amazon has several full size options that will probably last you a lifetime, but you can also buy single packs from Walmart and Fry's for just $1 - $2. You can find these in the hair aisle. You only need a few drops - it goes a long way!

Lotion: And of course if you do want more moisture, lotion is a great finish to the perfect pedicure. Just remember the golden rule, the thicker the better!

What quick tips do you like to use for a great pedicure? Share with us in the comments below! Enjoy!

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